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Keeping Good Character and a Good Name – In The Past, In The Present



Mr. Robaer D. Washington


This week I crossed paths with two of my good friends from my college days at Howard University: one I hadn’t seen in ten years, another I hadn’t seen in 15 years. The basic respect was still there and in those two instances we were able to make time with each other (at least 15 minutes each) without neither of us feeling that there was a need to rush off. I was even able to exchange phone numbers with both.

After 15 years there can be some level of angst about exchanging personal contact information with another that you have not seen in years. Questions CAN begin to arise: what do they want from me; I hope they don’t ask for money; is this bum gonna ask me out on a date (one of my encounters was a female, lol), etc., questions that can lead to this angst. But that was not the case with my encounters.

The purpose of this short article is to remind readers of this: keep good character and keep good reputation. Also, wear clean clothes and keep good hygiene. When people from your past encounter you, in the future, those former memories of the positive times that they had with you should be on the forefront of their minds when they interact with you.

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EDITORIAL: BlackUSA.News’ Doni Glover Show on Nominated for Emmy by CCG



By Doni Glover

(BALTIMORE – February 14, 2023) – I do not brag about BlackUSA.News, the voice of our people; but, maybe I should. It is essential, in my best estimation, to simply do the work. The accolades will come, I believe. And they have. On February 1st, the Doni Glover Show was nominated for an Emmy by Career Communications Group (CCG). And for this, I am truly humbled and grateful.

Kudos to Dr. Tyrone Taborn, Jean Hamilton, and the entire CCG team. They are just returning to regular life after last weekend’s 37th year of BEYA – or the Black Engineer of the Year Awards. As always, this mega-event features generals, admirals, scientists, inventors, and most importantly, students. Further, while this event started in Baltimore, it has since been held in Washington, D.C.; next year, it will return to Baltimore.

I was reminded today during an interview with Edwin Avent of the Baltimore Collegiate School for Boys of just how impactful CCG is. Dr. Taborn has been combatting digital apartheid his entire career. Too many of us do not even know who he is.

Well, I can tell you he is, among other things, the biggest supporter of and BlackUSA.News. While BMORENews enjoys a 20-year reputation of covering “the news before the news”, BlackUSA.News is a 2½-year-old baby that came about amidst the pandemic.

Additionally, Dr. Taborn put the Doni Glover Show on his Metaverse platform,, and he hired me to serve as news director.

I call it our “COVID pivot”. We found that providing news coverage drastically changed after the pandemic hit and we needed an innovative way of keeping our coverage viable.

Today, we can state that we have streamed LIVE with hosts in New York, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Charlotte, Atlanta, Miami, L.A., and Oakland. This effort has been tremendously illuminated thanks to Dr. Taborn. We are ever so grateful that he embraced our vision and found it worthy of his support.

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Timothy and Feather – An Urban Tale



(Montgomery Village, Maryland – November 18, 2022) – Timothy was perched on a tree limb, watching the hawk fly circles in the sky. It was a beautiful sight. Timothy had always been fascinated by the bird. He admired its’ grace and power. And it was his mission to catch this hawk!

Then, without warning, the hawk swooped down at its future owner, Timothy, who quickly ducked out of the way, but not before getting gashed, on the back, by the hawk’s talons. The hawk crashed to the ground with a thud, tangled in Timothy’s net.

Timothy couldn’t believe his luck! He had captured his very own hawk! Now he would be able to train it to be his personal pet.

He took Feather, the hawk, home and started to train her how to obey commands. She was a quick learner and soon they were working together like a well-oiled machine. They fought crime in their small town in Mississippi and saved many people from danger.

Townspeople began to come up with a name for the duo.


If you’re reading this story, if you have a name for the tag team duo, email me at

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5 Ways to Attract Community Grants



Attracting community grants is essential for any non-profit organization, and Baltimore-based organizations are no exception. To attract community grant funds, Baltimore-based non-profits should focus on five key strategies: Outreach and Networking, Research and Writing, Proposal Development, Budget Preparation, and Evaluation.

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